
LuxFaSS ”Memorabilia” database on ”The Online Primary Sources” database curated by the French Centre for Russian, Caucasian and Central European Studies (CERCEC), a CNRS-EHESS joint research unit.



LuxFaSS listed on 'Mapping Eastern Europe', a new open-access digital project focused on the art, history, and culture of Eastern Europe between the 13th and 17th centuries.



'STANISŁAW ŻÓŁKIEWSKI: Between military service and private interests', an online material written by LuxFaSS researcher Michał Wasiucionek.



Event presentation made by Frank Krauss to the international symposium, Dar Fürstentum Siebenbürgen im 17. Jahrhundert im Kontext des Transottomanica-Bezienhungsgeflechts (5th–7th October 2019 in Landau in der Pfalz, Germany), to which LuxFaSS team members Mária Pakucs and Michał Wasiucionek were participants.


‘Children and Material Culture in 19th Century South-Eastern Europe’, workshop report by Nicoleta Roman for the Society for the History of Children and Youth.



Roxana Coman’s book presentation on the memoirs of the young boyar Foti Merișescu, published by Constanța Vintilă-Ghițulescu




Nicoleta Roman’s text on winter holidays, material culture and children in Wallachia, published in Magazin Istoric (popularization material): ‘Covrigi, mere și nuci poleite. Crăciunul copiilor de altădată’

For more information see https://magazinistoric.ro/2019-2/decembrie-2019/


Curia Iulia al Foro Romano, Rome (Italy), October 31st

Giulia Calvi was invited to speak in an interview with Elisa Cella (Parco archeologico del Colosseo) within the radio conference series Radici classiche: alle origini del femminile.

Theme of discussion: ‘Insignia delle donne e il lusso’

For more information see https://parcocolosseo.it/evento/radici-classiche-alle-origini-del-femminile-il-nuovo-ciclo-di-conferenze-alla-curia-iulia-dal-12-settembre-al-31-ottobre/

Nicoleta Roman’s text on rich children and education in Wallachia, published in Magazin Istoric (popularization material): ‘Grija evghenitilor, coconii cu carte’

For more information see http://magazinistoric.ro/2019-2/octombrie-2019/


Andrei Pippidi’s book presentation in Revue des études sud-est européennes, LVII, 2019 on the memoirs of the young boyar Foti Merișescu, published by Constanța Vintilă-Ghițulescu


Andrei Pippidi in Revue des études sud-est européennes, LVII, 2019, 1-4, p. 364-5.

Rodica Zafiu’s book presentation in Dilema Veche on the memoirs of the young boyar Foti Merișescu, published by Constanța Vintilă-Ghițulescu


Simona Preda’s book presentation in România literară, no. 40, September 13th on the memoirs of the young boyar Foti Merișescu, published by Constanța Vintilă-Ghițulescu


Ioan Milică’s book presentation in Ziarul de Iași on the memoirs of the young boyar Foti Merișescu, published by Constanța Vintilă-Ghițulescu


Book presentation in Ramuri, no. 09/2019 on the memoirs of the young boyar Foti Merișescu published by Constanța Vintilă-Ghițulescu



Eugen Istodor’s interview with Constanța Vintilă-Ghițulescu, Principal Investigator, about the memoirs of the young boyar Foti Merișescu, recently published at Humanitas Publishing House



Constanța Vintilă-Ghițulescu on fashion, Romanian boyars and the LuxFaSS research in an interview for Perspektiva, published online, on social media


Mária Pakucs-Willcocks, Vocația europeană a Sibiului. Povestea judelui regal Albert Huet


April 16th

National History Institute, Cluj-Napoca

Roundtable and lecture around the recently published book by Maria Pakucs, Sibiul veacului al XVI-lea. Rânduirea unui oraș transilvan (Humanitas, 2018)

Participants: Ovidiu Ghitta, Maria Pakucs, Edit Szegedi


March 7th -- Roundtable on the recently published book by Maria Pakucs, Sibiul veacului al XVI-lea. Rânduirea unui oraș transilvan (Humanitas, 2018), and around her research in the LuxFaSS project on trade in 17th century Transylvania

Participants: Marian Coman, Silvia Marton, Mária Pakucs, Constanta Vintila-Ghitulescu


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Nicoleta Roman’s presentation in a Romanian history magazine (popularization), Magazin Istoric on dowry, goods and material culture http://magazinistoric.ro/2019-2/martie-2019/


Presentation made by Ana-Maria Sîrghi for MarketWatch. The presentation is about the international LuxFaSS event ”Luxury, Fashion and Social Status in Early Modern South-Eastern Europe” held at New Europe College-Institute for Advanced Study on October 5th–6th


Interview with Michał Wasiucionek, LuxFaSS post-doctoral researcher, for Radio România International on his activity in Romania and as a historian working for New Europe College (interview taken by Hildegard Ignătescu)


Book presentation made by Maria Bucur (Indiana University) to the volume edited by Constanța Vintilă-Ghițulescu, Women, Consumption and the Circulation of Ideas in South-Eastern Europe, 17th-19th Centuries, Brill, 2018, in European History Quarterly, 48 (2)/2018, pp. 397-398.


On 1st December 2016, the Presidency of Romania awarded in a public ceremony the honorific medal ”Ordinul Național Serviciul Credincios în grad de Cavaler” [National Order of Faithful Service (rank of Knight)] to a number of academics as a recognition of the integration of Romanian historical research in the international framework. Among them was the Principal Investigator of the LuxFaSS project, Constanța Vintilă-Ghițulescu.



Interview at Trinitas TV, ‘’Europa Christiana’’ show with Constanța Vintilă-Ghițulescu on Romania, its history and contact with the West, through modernization, boyars and diplomacy


Interview in Adevărul, with Constanța Vintilă-Ghițulescu on her lecture in Berlin, at Romanian Cultural Institute
