For details please click each reseacher's name below:

Constanța VINTILĂ-GHIȚULESCU (Principal Investigator)

March 2nd

British Cultural Studies Centre – Bucharest University

Lecture: Women, Love, Consumption and Patronage: Elena Hartulari and the Autobiographical Pact (1810-1856)

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Photo credit: British Cultural Studies - University of Bucharest

January 27th

Ecole doctorale en sciences sociales du Centre Régional Francophone de Recherches Avancées en Sciences Sociales (CEREFREA Villa Noël), Bucharest University

Lecture: Istoria socială. Narațiune, ficțiune sau adevăr istoric? [Social history. Narrative, fiction or historical truth?]

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Photo credit: CEREFREA

Giulia CALVI (Senior Researcher)

Mária PAKUCS (Senior Researcher)

Michał WASIUCIONEK (Post-doctoral Researcher)

March 5th–6th

February 13th–14th

Biblioteca Riccardiana, Florence

International conference Encounters at Sea. Material and Symbolic Mobility across the Mediterranean

1st annual conference of the PIMo COST-Action

Paper: `To the Other Side: Travel, Exchange, and Material Markers of Difference on the Early Modern Lower Danube’.

February 3rd–5th

‘’George Barițiu’’ Institute of History–Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca

International conference Istoria și scrisul istoric azi: opțiuni metodologice, paradigme, agendă [History and Historical writing today: methodological approaches, paradigms, agenda]

Paper: ‘Dincolo de declinul moral: demnitarii otomani, elitele moldo-muntene și rețele de patronaj în secolul XVII’ [Beyond the moral decline: Ottoman dignitaries, Moldo-Wallachian elites and patronage networks in 17th century]

Nicoleta ROMAN (Scientific Assistant)

For details please click each reseacher's name below:

Constanța VINTILĂ-GHIȚULESCU (Principal Investigator)

November 27th-29th

Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Lyon

International colloquium of the Société de Démographie Historique ‘Divorcer autrefois ? La séparation matrimoniale du Moyen-Âge au XXe siècle. Mondes européens et extra-européens.’

Paper: Divorcer d’un étranger. Séparation et pratiques matrimoniales dans l’Europe du sud-est (1700-1850)

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October 4th

,,A.D. Xenopol” Institute of History (Romanian Academy), Iași

National workshop ”Înfruntând un ”inamic invizibil”. Politici administrative, practici medicale și comportamente sociale în Țările Române în context epidemic (secolele XVIII-XIX)”.

Paper: Rețete, Spițeri și Doctori pe drumurile Imperiilor: 1700-1850 / Recipes, Pharmacists and Doctors on the routes of Empires: 1700-1850

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May 23rd-24th

Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris

International Conference Rural History 2020

Paper: Rural Consumption in South-Eastern Europe (18th century)

September 2nd–7th

Association Internationale d’Etudes du Sud-Est Européen & Institut d’Etudes du Sud-Est Européen (Academie Roumaine), Bucharest

The 12th Congress of South-East European Studies

Paper: : Circulation of knowledge, Circulation of objects: Sartorial Law and Foreigners in the Danubian Principalities (18th century)

September 10th–13th

New Europe College–Institute for Advanced Study, Bucharest

International conference Shaping the Modern Body. Fashion, Food, Health and Manners across South-Eastern Europe and the Ottoman Empire (17th–19th centuries)

Paper: Food, Body and Social Status in South-Eastern Europe (18th–early 19th centuries)

March 28th-30th

University of Bochum

Meeting international partner projects within the DFG Priority Programme Transottomanica

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March 22nd-23rd

Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest

Invited to take part at the elaboration of the book Stepfamilies across Religions in East Central Europe (1500-1800) edited by Gabriella Erdélyi

Giulia CALVI (Senior Researcher)

December 5th–6th

Annual session of ”Nicolae Iorga” Institute of History

International conference Between Empires: Circulation, Communication and Interaction (15th–21st centuries)

Keynote lecture: Global Courts. Medical Practice and Political Information between Italy and the Ottoman Empire (17th century)

May 23rd-24th

New Europe College–Institute for Advanced Study, Bucharest

International conference Shaping the Modern Body. Fashion, Food, Health and Manners across South-Eastern Europe and the Ottoman Empire (17th–19th centuries)

Paper: The Body of Nature. Travelling Scientists across the Ottoman Empire (XVI-XVII)

February 22nd
Lecture at University of Basel, School of History

Paper: Clothing the World. Early Modern Costume Books in a Global Perspective

Mária PAKUCS (Senior Researcher)

October 10th–12th

Nürnberg, Germany

Transottomanica Meeting

October 5th–7th

Landau in der Pfalz, Germany

International symposium ”Dar Fürstentum Siebenbürgen im 17. Jahrhundert im Kontext des Transottomanica-Bezienhungsgeflechts”

Paper: Ottoman Goods in Transylvania in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century: Trade, Demand and Consumption

September 18th–20th

Budapest History Museum

International conference ”Economic Functions of Urban Spaces from the Middle Ages to the Present”

Paper: Trade Routes and Commercial Networks in South-Eastern Europe

September 10th – 13th

Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris

International Conference Rural History 2020

Paper: Rural consumption of foreign goods in early modern Transylvania

September 2nd–7th

Association Internationale d’Etudes du Sud-Est Européen & Institut d’Etudes du Sud-Est Européen (Academie Roumaine), Bucharest

The 12th Congress of South- East European Studies

Paper: Consumption of foreign goods in Transylvania: the role of Greek merchants in retail distribution during the 16th and 17th centuries

July 23rd

Lecture, summer school of Romanian Society for Historical Studies, Sibiu

Title: Mirodenii, fructe exotice și „habarnicza”: importul de produse alimentare la Sibiu (secolele XVI-XVII)

May 23rd-24th

New Europe College–Institute for Advanced Study, Bucharest

International conference Shaping the Modern Body. Fashion, Food, Health and Manners across South-Eastern Europe and the Ottoman Empire (17th–19th centuries)

Paper: ’They Steal it From the Sultan’s Pharmacy’’: Pharmaceuticals and Medicines in Early Modern Transylvania

Michał WASIUCIONEK (Post-doctoral Researcher)

December 5th–6th

Annual session of ”Nicolae Iorga” Institute of History

International conference Between Empires: Circulation, Communication and Interaction (15th–21st centuries)

Paper: Abaza Mehmed Pasha, the Danubian Principalities and the Culture of Resistance: Ottoman Political Culture and Networks in the First Half of the Seventeenth Century

November 25th

Istanbul, Sabancı University – Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

History Seminar

Paper: ‘The Sign of Empire: Imperial Diplomatics, Practices of Reception and Symbolic Communication in the Early Modern Ottoman Periphery’

October 10th–12th

Nürnberg, Germany

Transottomanica Meeting

October 5th–7th

Landau in der Pfalz, Germany

International symposium ”Dar Fürstentum Siebenbürgen im 17. Jahrhundert im Kontext des Transottomanica-Bezienhungsgeflechts”

Paper: Cohesion, Patronage, (Auβen)-verflechtung: Ottoman Elite Networks and Ottoman Satellites in a Comparative Perspective

September 2nd–7th

Association Internationale d’Etudes du Sud-Est Européen & Institut d’Etudes du Sud-Est Européen (Academie Roumaine), Bucharest

The 12th Congress of South- East European Studies

Paper: Religion, Identity and Sartorial Patterns in the Early Modern Ottoman Balkans: A Comparative Perspective on the Danubian Principalities and Western Balkans

June 14th–16th

ASEES Summer Convention

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb (acting as chair)

June 12th

National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest

Bilateral conference 100 Years of Diplomatic Polish–Romanian Relations

Paper: Instead of Introduction: The Ship of Theseus. Polish-Romanian Relations prior to the Modern Age

May 23rd-24th

New Europe College–Institute for Advanced Study, Bucharest

International conference Shaping the Modern Body. Fashion, Food, Health and Manners across South-Eastern Europe and the Ottoman Empire (17th–19th centuries)

Paper: Body Politics, Textile Politics: Kaftan Exchanges in the Ottoman-Moldavian Relations

March 28th-30th

University of Bochum

Participation (with Principal Investigator Constanța Vintilă-Ghițulescu) at the DFG Priority Programme Transottomanica meeting

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March 20th-22nd

9th International Balkan Annual Conference (IBAC)

A History of the Turkish-Moldavian Relations in Historical and Socio-Cultural Aspects

Chișinău & Comrat

Paper:A Non-Ottomanized Space of the Ottoman Empire? On the Absence of Mosques in Early Modern Moldavia and Wallachia

March 8th-9th
International conference

Network of Interests and Centre of the Monarchical Reign

Polnische Akademie der Wissenschaften–Wissenschaftliches Zentrum in Wien, Vienna

Paper: Who Runs the Show? Royal Authority and Factional Agency in Polish-Moldavian Relations under the Vasa Dynasty

Nicoleta ROMAN (Scientific Assistant)

October 4th

,,A.D. Xenopol” Institute of History (Romanian Academy), Iași

National workshop ”Înfruntând un ”inamic invizibil”. Politici administrative, practici medicale și comportamente sociale în Țările Române în context epidemic (secolele XVIII-XIX)”.

Paper: O profesie în formare: moașe și control medical în orașele de la Dunăre ale Țării Românești în perioada regulamentară / A profession in making: midwives and medical control in the Wallachian towns along the Danube during the Organic Regulation period

May 23rd-24th

Association Internationale d’Etudes du Sud-Est Européen & Institut d’Etudes du Sud-Est Européen (Academie Roumaine), Bucharest

The 12th Congress of South-East European Studies

Paper: Fabrics and jewels. Fluctuations in price and interest in Wallachia’s women’ textile world of early 19th century

July 11th–12th

New Europe College–Institute for Advanced Study, Bucharest

International workshop A Forgotten Consumer. Children and Material Culture in 19th Century South-East and Central Europe

Paper: European trends, local ambitions. Children and material culture in late 18th–early 19th century Romanian middle-class families

July 5th

University of Cambridge, Cambridge

International workshop Mobility and capabilities: education, training and apprenticeship of migrant women and men (16th - early 20th centuries)

Paper: Coming from abroad. Foreign women and girls’ education in 19th century Wallachia

July 1st–2nd

Centre for Population Studies–Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj

National conference Studii de Populație. Provocări și perspective

Paper: Epitrop al averii, epitrop al copilului. Familie, societate și bunuri patrimoniale în Valahia perioadei regulamentare

July 1st

Centre for Population Studies–Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj


Title: În jurul lăzii de zestre: bunuri și obiecte de preț ale femeii din Țara Românească a secolului al XIX-lea

May 29th

Seminar, New Europe College-Institute for Advanced Study, Bucharest

Title: Wallachian Women and their Goods in the First Half of the 19th Century

May 23rd-24th

New Europe College–Institute for Advanced Study, Bucharest

International conference Shaping the Modern Body. Fashion, Food, Health and Manners across South-Eastern Europe and the Ottoman Empire (17th–19th centuries)

Paper: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?’ Women, Beauty, Virtue and Charms in Nineteenth Century Romanian Society

For details please click each reseacher's name below:

Constanța VINTILĂ-GHIȚULESCU (Principal Investigator)

September 22nd
Keynote Speaker at the Doctoral School of ‘’Babeș-Bolyai’’ University

Paper: Social Status and Material Culture in the Danubian Principalities (18th – 19th Centuries) pdf
June 4th-5th
International workshop

People, Objects and Languages across the Empires. Interference and Circulation of Words and Images in Premodern Societies

New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: ”Le Coquin Grec” vs. ”le Véritable François”. Being a Foreigner in the Danubian Principalities, 18th – Early 19th Centuries

March 16th
International workshop Lecture within the ''Histoire de la famille'' seminar: Le mariage, mobilité et séparation dans l’Europe de Sud-Est, 18e-19e siècles Sorbonne University, Paris
February 21st

Lecture on The history, psychology and jurisprudence of love from 18th century on in Romania FotoCabinet. Cabinet de Perspektive. Joc, conversații, dumiriri

For more information see

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Giulia CALVI (Senior Researcher)

November 15th-16th
International Conference

Towards a New Political History of the Court. Delineating Practices of Power in Gender, Culture, and Sociability

Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris

Paper: Translating Court Cultures. Medical Practice, Scientific Knowledge, and Political Information between the Ottomans and the Medici (1682-1688) pdf

September 13th-14th
International Conference

Global Empires, Global Courts? Explorations in Politics and Religion

European University Institute, Florence

Paper: Healing, Translating, Informing, Collecting: A Network of Scientists between Florence and the Ottoman Empire (17th Century) pdf

June 4th-5th
International workshop

People, Objects and Languages across the Empires. Interference and Circulation of Words and Images in Premodern Societies

New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: Translating between Cultures, Translating between Languages. Scientific and Diplomatic Networks in the Circulation of Knowledge

February 5th

Lecture on "Healing, translating, collecting. Doctor Michelangelo Tilli in the Ottoman Empire (1683-1688)"

Institute of Historical Research, European History (1500-1800) Series Seminar, London

For more information see

Artemis YAGOU (Senior Researcher)

June 4th-5th
International workshop

People, Objects and Languages across the Empires. Interference and Circulation of Words and Images in Premodern Societies

New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: "Αι των Πραγμάτων Μόδαι": New Words for Novel Practices

Liviu PILAT (Senior Researcher)

September 11th-15th
23rd conference of the Comité International des Éudes Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes
New Bulgarian University, Sofia

Paper: An Ottoman Bey or a Christian King? Jacob Heraclid’s Multiple Coronations and the Ottoman-Habsburg Conflict in the Mid-16th Century
June 4th-5th
International workshop

People, Objects and Languages across the Empires. Interference and Circulation of Words and Images in Premodern Societies

New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: Piskesh, Rushfet, and the Economy of Power in Sixteenth- Century Moldavia

April 7th

European Social Science History Conference 2018

Belfast, Ireland


Moldavian Elites and Ottoman Lifestyle in the Sixteenth Century

For more information see

Mária PAKUCS (Post-doctoral Researcher)

September 13th-16th
Transylvania Book Festival
Invited speaker

Paper: Luxury, Trade and Politics between the Sublime Porte and Transylvania pdf
June 4th-5th
International workshop

People, Objects and Languages across the Empires. Interference and Circulation of Words and Images in Premodern Societies

New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: Being a Greek in 17th century Transylvania: Business Ties and Linguistic Integration

Anastassia FALIEROU (Post-doctoral Researcher)

June 4th-5th
International workshop

People, Objects and Languages across the Empires. Interference and Circulation of Words and Images in Premodern Societies

New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: Ottoman Women’s Press as Agent of Cultural Transfers

David CELETTI (Post-doctoral Researcher)

June 4th-5th
International workshop

People, Objects and Languages across the Empires. Interference and Circulation of Words and Images in Premodern Societies

New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: Ottomans and French in late 18th Century Crete. Trade, Diplomacy, and Personal Encounters

Michał WASIUCIONEK (Post-doctoral Researcher)

September 11th-15th
23rd conference of the Comité International des Éudes Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes

New Bulgarian University, Sofia

Paper: Seals and Strokes of Pen: Cross-Cultural Diplomatics and the Performance of Identity in the Early Modern Ottoman Periphery pdf
June 8th
June 4th-5th
International workshop

People, Objects and Languages across the Empires. Interference and Circulation of Words and Images in Premodern Societies

New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: Greek as Ottoman?

April 4th

LuxFaSS seminar, New Europe College

Of Kaftans and Men: The Politics of Garment in Early Modern Ottoman Europe

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Nicoleta ROMAN (Scientific Assistant)

November 8th–10th
International workshop

Migration and Gender: relationships, economic resources and institutions in historical perspective (15th – 20th centuries)

University of Cambridge

Paper: A luxury to one’s health. Midwives and medical care in 19th century Wallachia

July 19th-21st
International conference

Movable Goods, Immovable Property. Gender, Law and Material Culture in Early Modern Europe (1450-1850)

German Historical Institute London

Paper: Starting a Married Life. Women, Goods and Households in the mid-19th Century Wallachian Town of Pitești
June 4th-5th
International workshop

People, Objects and Languages across the Empires. Interference and Circulation of Words and Images in Premodern Societies

New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: Memorabilia - Mapping Resources on Luxury and Fashion in (Pre)modern Southeastern Europe

For details please click each reseacher's name below:

Constanța VINTILĂ-GHIȚULESCU (Principal Investigator)

December 20th

National Debate History and national culinary identity

(with Andrei Pleșu, Anda Becuț Marinescu, Cornel Ilie, Nico Contraș, Cosmin Dragomir)

National History Museum, Bucharest

October 26th - 28th

International conference Clothes Make the (Wo)man. Dress and Cultural Difference in Early Modern Europe

Leibniz Institute of European History, Mainz

Paper: Shawls and sable furs: How to be a boyar under the Phanariote Regime (1710-1821)

October 5th - 6th

International workshop Luxury, Fashion and Social Status in Early Modern South-Eastern Europe

New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: Using Luxury and Fashion for constructing a Self-Identity: Ienăchiță Văcărescu’s Case

For more details see the programme [link]

September 21st - 22nd

International colloquium Le marriage dans l’Europe Méditerranéenne de la fin du Moyen Age a nos jours

Athens, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Paper: Mobilité et Mariage mixte dans l’Europe du Sud-Est (XVIIIe et XIXe siècle)

For more details see the programme [link]

June 21st

Lecture on A Wallachian Boyar in Emperor Joseph II’s Court

University of Münster - Forschungskolloquium Frühe Neuzeit

For more information see

June 9th

Lecture Living in the Phanariothe Bucharest

CERC, Bucharest

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May 11th - 12th

International workshop Circulation of people, objects and knowledge across South Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean (16th-19th centuries)

Florence, European University Institute

Paper: Self-Fashioning and Travel: a Young Artisan and His Memoirs (1814-1817)

December 31st
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Giulia CALVI (Senior Researcher)

October 26th - 28th

International conference Clothes Make the (Wo)man. Dress and Cultural Difference in Early Modern Europe

Leibniz Institute of European History, Mainz

Paper: Imperial Fashions. Cashmere shawls between Istanbul, Paris and Milan (XVIII-XIX centuries)

October 5th - 6th

International workshop Luxury, Fashion and Social Status in Early Modern South-Eastern Europe

New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: Healing, translating, collecting. Doctor Michelangelo Tilli in the Ottoman Empire (1682-1688)

For more details see the programme [link]

Artemis YAGOU (Senior Researcher)

October 5th - 6th

International workshop Luxury, Fashion and Social Status in Early Modern South-Eastern Europe

New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: Material culture in early modern Southeastern Europe

For more details see the programme [link]

September 15th - 16th

International conference Connections in Commerce and Consumption: Production, Distribution and Consumption in Britain and Europe, 1500-1800

University of Sheffield, Sheffield Centre for Early Modern Studies – Humanities Research Institute

Paper: Popular Luxury Between East and West: A Case Study of Italian Ceramics and Ottoman Greeks in the long 18th century

May 11th - 12th

International workshop Circulation of people, objects and knowledge across South Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean (16th-19th centuries)

Florence, European University Institute

Paper: Material Aspects of a New Awareness: The case of Pesaro Trefoil Jugs with Greek Verses (late 18th – early 19th centuries)

Liviu PILAT (Senior Researcher)

October 5th - 6th

International workshop Luxury, Fashion and Social Status in Early Modern South-Eastern Europe

New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: A new episode of the diplomatic conflict of Moscovite fur and Moldavian-Polish-Ottoman relations in mid-16th Century

For more details see the programme [link]

August 31st - September 1st

International conference History & Society. Dialogue of the Deaf

University of Warsaw, Warsaw

Paper: A New Approach to Luxury in Pre-Modern Society: Positional Goods and Cultural Habitus of Power

May 11th - 12th

International workshop Circulation of people, objects and knowledge across South Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean (16th-19th centuries)

Florence, European University Institute

Paper: The Diplomatic Conflict of Muscovite fur and Moldavian-Polish-Ottoman Relations in mid-16th Century

April 5th - 8th

The 5th Annual International Conference on Byzantine, Medieval, Renaissance, and Early Modern Art, Literature, Historical, Social and Cultural Studies

Nicosia, Cyprus

Paper: 'Men in exotic dress', Sixtus IV and crusade: a fresco of Corsia Sistina and its meaning

Mária PAKUCS (Post-doctoral Researcher)

October 19th - 20th

International conference Mercantilisms, relationships and practices. Active trade, merchants and State at the age of Maria Teresa of Habsburg

University of Trieste, Trieste

Paper: Competition for imperial trading privileges in Transylvania during the reign of Maria Theresia

October 5th - 6th

International workshop Luxury, Fashion and Social Status in Early Modern South-Eastern Europe

New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: The concept of luxury in Transylvania sumptuary laws (16th-18th centuries)

For more details see the programme [link]

May 11th - 12th

International workshop Circulation of people, objects and knowledge across South Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean (16th-19th centuries)

Florence, European University Institute

Paper: "Turkish" Textiles in Transylvanian Sources in the Early Modern Period

April 20th – 21st

International workshop Venezia e l’Europa Orientale tra il tardo Medioevo e l’Eta moderna Istituto Romeno di Cultura e Ricerca Umanistica di Venezia

Venice, Italy

Paper: "Between Venice and Vienna: circulation of goods and people in the 17th and 18th centuries based on Transylvanian sources"

Anastassia FALIEROU (Post-doctoral Researcher)

October 5th - 6th

International workshop Luxury, Fashion and Social Status in Early Modern South-Eastern Europe

New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: Bourgeoisification and new ”modus vivendi” in Mytilene during the 19th century: the case of Kourtzis family

For more details see the programme [link]

June 8th

International workshop Luxury and Exoticism: Textiles and Dress in Museums and Historical Houses
Wolverhampton, University of Wolverhampton

Paper: Studying Ottoman Women’s Clothing through Sadberk Hanim Museum CollectionStudying Ottoman Women’s Clothing through Sadberk Hanim Museum Collection

May 11th - 12th

International workshop Circulation of people, objects and knowledge across South Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean (16th-19th centuries)

Florence, European University Institute

Paper: Ottoman Costumes between East and West

David CELETTI (Post-doctoral Researcher)

October 5th - 6th

International workshop Luxury, Fashion and Social Status in Early Modern South-Eastern Europe

New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: Frenchs, Venetians and Ottomans in the Echelles du Levant. Trade, daily life and cultural transfers

For more details see the programme [link]

May 11th - 12th

International workshop Circulation of people, objects and knowledge across South Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean (16th-19th centuries)

Florence, European University Institute

Paper: Material and Immaterial Circulations. France, Venice and the Levant in the late 18th Century

March 3rd

International workshop Mediterranean Migration in Interdisciplinary Perspective

Warwick, University of Warwick

Paper: French migration in 18th century Levant. Daily life, social networks and integration strategies

For more details see the programme [link]

Michał WASIUCIONEK (Post-doctoral Researcher)

October 23rd

Lecture at "Nicolae Iorga" Institute of History

"The Signatures of Power": Romanian countries, identity and Ottomanization in 17th Century

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October 5th - 6th

International workshop Luxury, Fashion and Social Status in Early Modern South-Eastern Europe

New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: Silks and Stones: Luxury Consumption, Identity, and Architectural Patronage in the Early Modern Moldavia and Wallachia

For more details see the programme [link]

July 24th–28th


International Congress of Ottoman Social and Economic History, European University Institute

Universitaty of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, Bulgaria

Paper: The Circuits of Gift Exchange and Christian Ottomanization on the Periphery: Moldavian-Wallachian Elites and Early Modern Ottoman Circuits Gift Exchange (section Elites and Social Networks)

May 11th - 12th

International workshop Circulation of people, objects and knowledge across South Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean (16th-19th centuries)

Florence, European University Institute

Paper: Garments, Signatures, and Ottoman Self-Fashioning in the Imperial Periphery: Moldavian Voyvode Ștefan Tomșa and Ottomanization in the Early Seventeenth Century

Nicoleta ROMAN (Scientific Assistant)

October 5th - 6th

International workshop Luxury, Fashion and Social Status in Early Modern South-Eastern Europe

New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: Iordache Filipescu, the ”last great boyar” of Wallachia and his heritage: a world of power, influence and goods

For more details see the programme [link]

May 11th - 12th

International workshop Circulation of people, objects and knowledge across South Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean (16th-19th centuries)

Florence, European University Institute

Paper: Dowry Contracts, Women’s Objects and the Circulation of Goods in mid-19th Century Wallachian Families

March 9th

Lecture within the Research Group Reflections on the Political and Social History of the 18th and 19th Centuries (GRIPS)

"Women and trade activities in the Romanian society at the beginning of 19th century"

New Europe College, Bucharest
For details please click each reseacher's name below:

Constanța VINTILĂ-GHIȚULESCU (Principal Investigator)

Lectures (in Berlin)

July 31st

Romanian Cultural Institute – Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin

Paper: Mode und Soziale Identität Zu Beginn Der Neuzeit (Rumänische Fürstentümer, 18-19 J.H)

May 31st

Freie Universität Berlin – Friedrich Meineche Institut

Paper: Luxury and Social Status of the Romanian Boyars during the Ottoman Domination (18th–19th centuries)

April 26th

Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin – Tuesday Colloquim

Paper: Going to the Courts: Romanian People and the Meaning of Justice (18th–19th centuries)

Conference Participation:

October 28th - 29th

International Conference Luxury and Consumption in South-Eastern Europe (15th–19th centuries). Methodological Approaches, New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: “What do sumptuary laws say about luxury and consumption? The Romanian Principalities in the Premodern Era”

September 28th -29th

University of Vienna, International Conference: Governing Inter-Imperial Areas Between te Adriatic and the Black Seas

Paper: “Making a law, observing a rule: Codification and Practice in the Romanian Principalities: 1780–1834”

July 4th – 5th

International Workshop People, Trade, Gifts and Beyond: the Circulation of Goods and Practices between the Ottoman Empire and Europe (16th–19th Centuries), Centre March Bloch, Berlin

Paper: “On the road: commodities and travellers in the Ottoman Lands”

March 31st

European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC), Valencia

Organized-panel Women, Consumption and the Circulation of Ideas in South-Eastern Europe, 17th–20th Centuries

Paper: “‘Curls and Forelocks’: Romanian Women Emancipation towards Luxury and Fashion, 1780-1850”

March 30st

European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC), Valencia

Paper: “Gender and Crime in Archival Research” in the session Crime, Gender and Violence in a Historical Perspective

February 4th-5th

Law-making and Law-interpreting: Russia, 17th to 21st centuries, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin

Paper: “Count Pavel Dmitrievich Kiselyov and judicial reform in the Romanian Principalities”

Giulia CALVI (Senior Researcher)

October 28th - 29th

Luxury and Consumption in South-Eastern Europe (15th–19th centuries). Methodological Approaches, New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: “Is fashion a European phenomenon ?”

July 4th - 5th

International Workshop People, Trade, Gifts and Beyond: the Circulation of Goods and Practices between the Ottoman Empire and Europe (16th-19th Centuries), Centre March Bloch, Berlin

Paper: “Luxury comes from the East. Fashioning ‘à l’indienne’ between the Ottoman Empire and Italy (18th–19th centuries)”

Artemis YAGOU (Senior Researcher)

October 28th -29th

International Conference Luxury and Consumption in South-Eastern Europe (15th–19th centuries). Methodological Approaches, New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: ”The comb and the book. Some findings of object-based research on Greek women in 18th century Ottoman Empire”

September 14th - 17th

Second European Convention on Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies (Turkologentag), Hamburg

Organized Panel ’Non-Muslims in the Ottoman Empire’

Paper: "Luxury and Greek Women in the Ottoman Empire in the 18th Century: Developing a Research Agenda"

March 31st

European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC), Valencia

Paper: “Images of Greek Women (17th–18th centuries) in the Collection of the von Parish Kostümbibliothek in Munich”

Liviu PILAT (Senior Researcher)

October 28th - 29th

International Conference Luxury and Consumption in South-Eastern Europe (15th–19th centuries). Methodological Approaches, New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: ”The concept of luxury between the history of consumption and political thought and its implications for the history of South-Eastern Europe”

September 14th - 17th

Second European Convention on Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies (Turkologentag), Hamburg

Paper: ”The Ottoman influence on Physical Appearance and Political Thought in Moldavia (16th Century)”

Mária PAKUCS (Post-doctoral Researcher)

November 10th - 13th

International Conference Cluj-Napoca / 700 Kolozsvar/ Klausenburg

Paper: ”Turkish goods in Sibiu/Hermannstadt”

October 28th - 29th

International Conference Luxury and Consumption in South-Eastern Europe (15th–19th centuries). Methodological Approaches, New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: ”Ottoman cotton and silk in 17th century Transylvania: Luxury or everyday items?”

March 31st

European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC), Valencia

Paper: ”’Turkish’ Textiles in South-Eastern Europe: Circulation and Distribution in the Early Modern Period”

July 4th - 5th

International Workshop People, Trade, Gifts and Beyond: the Circulation of Goods and Practices between the Ottoman Empire and Europe (16th-19th Centuries), Centre March Bloch, Berlin

Paper: ”Long-distance and local trade in the customs accounts of Sibiu/Hermannstadt in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries”

Anastassia FALIEROU (Post-doctoral Researcher)

October 28th - 29th

International Conference Luxury and Consumption in South Eastern Europe (15th–19th centuries). Methodological Approaches, New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: ”Fashionable dresses and luxurious consumption in the island of Lesvos: an evil for female virtue?”

September 14th - 17th

Second European Convention on Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies (Turkologentag), Hamburg

Paper: ”Non-Muslims as Agents of Westernization in the Ottoman Empire”

David CELETTI (Post-doctoral Researcher)

October 28th - 29th

International Conference Luxury and Consumption in South Eastern Europe (15th–19th centuries). Methodological Approaches, New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: ”Western Luxury Goods in the Ottoman Empire. Methodological Approaches for Studying Consumption and Trade in Eastern Mediterranean”

October 14th

International Conference Flux Réels versus Flux Immatériels, University of Clermont-Ferrand – Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Clermont-Ferrand.

Paper: ”Le commerce de luxe et la construction d’espaces immatériels. France et Empire Ottoman entre les 17e et 18e siècles”

October 12th - 13th

30th International Comeniological Colloquium, J. A. Comenius Museum, Unie Comenius, Institut of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Uherský Brod, Czech Republic

Paper: "Frontiers within a city–state. The case of the Venetian Fondaci in Early Modern International Trade Networks”

October 6th - 8th

International Conference Balkian Worlds III: Power Networks in the Imperial and Post-Imperial Balkans (18th–20th centuries), University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki

Paper: ”French Luxury Exports in 18th Century Ottoman Empire: Business, Diplomacy and Cultural Interchange”

September 14th - 17th

Second European Convention on Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies (Turkologentag), Hamburg

Paper: ”French Communities in 18th Century Ottoman Empire: Diplomacy, Daily Life, Trade and Cultural Interchange”

June 30th

International Conference La diffusion des produits ultra-marin en Europe (XVI–XVIIIe siècle), Université Paris 1–Panthéon-Sorbonne and Université de Nantes, Nantes

Paper: ”La Cochenille à Venise. La création d’un colorant de luxe entre XVIe et XVIIe siècles”

Michał WASIUCIONEK(Post-doctoral Researcher)

October 28th - 29th

International Conference Luxury and Consumption in South Eastern Europe (15th–19th centuries). Methodological Approaches, New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: ”Ottomanizing Moldavian-Wallachian elites: luxury, consumption and elite identity in the 17th century imperial periphery”

October 7th - 9th

INOCTE: International New Tendencies Congress in Ottoman Researches conference organized by Selcuk University, Sarajevo

Paper: ”Researching Ottoman Political Households: Where do we go now?”

October 4th - 8th

Comité International des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes (CIÉPO) 22nd Congress organized by Karadeniz Teknik University, Trabzon

Panel co-organized with Erica Mezzoli (University of Trieste) and Mukaram Hhana (Smith College, Northampton)

June 26th - 28th

Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) – International Association for the Humanities (MAG) Summer Convention ‘’Images of the Other’’, L’viv, Ukraine

Paper: ”Constructing the Other: ‘Greeks’ and ‘Turks-at-heart’ in the Seventeenth-Century Moldavia and Wallachia”

Nicoleta ROMAN(Scientific Assistant)

October 28th - 29th

International Conference Luxury and Consumption in South Eastern Europe (15th–19th centuries). Methodological Approaches, New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: ”Women and luxury goods in 19th century Wallachia”

August 24th - 27th

13rd International Conference on Urban History, co-organized by University of Helsinki and European Association for Urban History, Helsinki

Paper: ”Luxury goods, consumption and social life through the lens of a Mid-19th Century Romanian urban household”

May 20th–21st

International Workshop ’Mobilities’ in the Black Sea Region

Co-organized by New Europe College and University of St. Gallen

New Europe College, Bucharest

Paper: ”Women Travellers and (Pre)Modern Romania: Profiles, Interests and Expectations”