Constanţa Vintilă, Giulia Calvi, Maria Pakucs, Nicoleta Roman, Michal Wasiucionek, Luxury, Fashion and Other Political Bagatelles in Southeastern Europe, 16th-19th Centuries, Humanitas, Bucharest, 2023
For more information see https://humanitas.ro/humanitas/ebook/luxury-fashion-and-other-political-bagatelles
For more information see https://humanitas.ro/humanitas/ebook/luxury-fashion-and-other-political-bagatelles

Constanţa Vintilă, Changing Subjects, Moving Objects. Status, Mobility, and Social Transformation in Southeastern Europe, 1700-1850, Brill, Leiden, 2022.
For more information see https://brill.com/view/title/58116
For more information see https://brill.com/view/title/58116

Constanţa Vintilă, Giulia Calvi, Mária Pakucs-Willcoks, Nicoleta Roman, Michał Wasiucionek, Lux, modă şi alte bagatele politiceşti ȋn Europa de Sud-Est, secolele XVI-XIX, Humanitas, Bucureşti, 2021, 421 pp.
For more information see https://humanitas.ro/humanitas/carte/lux-moda-si-alte-bagatele-politicesti
For more information see https://humanitas.ro/humanitas/carte/lux-moda-si-alte-bagatele-politicesti

Constanța Vintilă-Ghițulescu,Principal Investigator, recently published a critical edition to the 18th century memoires of a young Romanian boyar, unknown to the public: Viaţa lui Dimitrie Foti Merişescu de la Colentina scrisă de el însuşi la 1817 [A braggart's boyhood: the life of Dimitrie Foti Merişescu of Colentina, written by himself]", București, Humanitas, 2019.

Michał Wasiucionek,LuxFaSS post-doctoral researcher, recently published a monograph entitled The Ottomans and Eastern Europe. Borders and Political Patronage in the Early Modern World, I.B.Tauris, 2019

Mária Pakucs, LuxFaSS Post-doctoral researcher, recently published a monograph entitled Sibiul veacului al XVI-lea. Rânduirea unui oraș transilvănean [Sixteenth Century Sibiu], Humanitas, București, 2018.
For more information see http://www.humanitas.ro/humanitas/sibiul-veacului-al-xvi-lea
For more information see http://www.humanitas.ro/humanitas/sibiul-veacului-al-xvi-lea

Constanța VINTILĂ-GHIȚULESCU (editor), Women, Consumption, and the Circulation of Ideas in South-Eastern Europe, 17th- 19th centuries, Brill, 2017, 244 p.
The volume gathers the firsts results of the LuxFaSS project, with chapters signed by the principal investigator Constanța Vintilă-Ghițulescu and team members Giulia Calvi, Artemis Yagou, Anastasia Falierou, David Celetti and Nicoleta Roman
For more information see https://brill.com/edcollbook-oa/title/17023

Constanța Vintilă-Ghițulescu, LuxFaSS Principal Investigator, recently published a monograph entitled Patimă şi desfătare. Despre lucrurile mărute ale vieţii cotidiene, Humanitas, Bucureşti, 2015 [Passion and Pleasure. Everyday life in the Romanian Society].
For more information see https://humanitas.ro/humanitas/carte/patim%C4%83-%C8%99i-desf%C4%83tare
For more information see https://humanitas.ro/humanitas/carte/patim%C4%83-%C8%99i-desf%C4%83tare

Mária Pakucs-Willcocks, LuxFaSS post-doctoral researcher, recently published a collection of documents entitled „zu urkundt in das Stadbuch lassen einschreiben”. Die ältesten Protokolle von Hermannstadt und der Sächsischen Nationsuniversität (1522-1565), Hermannstadt, Schiller, 2016.
For more information see http://www.buechercafe.ro/artikel.html?nummer=54967
For more information see http://www.buechercafe.ro/artikel.html?nummer=54967

Nicoleta Roman, LuxFaSS scientific assistant, recently published a monograph entitled „Deznădăjduită muiere n-au fost ca mine”. Femei, onoare și păcat în Valahia secolului al XIX-lea, Humanitas, București, 2016 [Women, honour and sin in 19th century Wallachia]
For more information see https://humanitas.ro/humanitas/carte/%E2%80%9Edezn%C4%83d%C4%83jduit%C4%83-muiere-n-au-fost-ca-mine%E2%80%9C
For more information see https://humanitas.ro/humanitas/carte/%E2%80%9Edezn%C4%83d%C4%83jduit%C4%83-muiere-n-au-fost-ca-mine%E2%80%9C