Constanța VINTILĂ-GHIȚULESCU (Principal Investigator)
British Cultural Studies Centre – Bucharest University
Lecture: Women, Love, Consumption and Patronage: Elena Hartulari and the Autobiographical Pact (1810-1856)

Photo credit: British Cultural Studies - University of Bucharest
Ecole doctorale en sciences sociales du Centre Régional Francophone de Recherches Avancées en Sciences Sociales (CEREFREA Villa Noël), Bucharest University

Photo credit: CEREFREA
Giulia CALVI (Senior Researcher)
Mária PAKUCS (Senior Researcher)
Michał WASIUCIONEK (Post-doctoral Researcher)
University of Istanbul, Istanbul
International Symposium Cultural Encounters in Southeastern Europe
www.iugaad.comBiblioteca Riccardiana, Florence
International conference Encounters at Sea. Material and Symbolic Mobility across the Mediterranean
1st annual conference of the PIMo COST-Action‘’George Barițiu’’ Institute of History–Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca
International conference Istoria și scrisul istoric azi: opțiuni metodologice, paradigme, agendă [History and Historical writing today: methodological approaches, paradigms, agenda]